As has been tradition here for quite some time, today I'm going to explain why you should take a few minutes of your precious time to fill out our annual digital signage pricing survey. After nearly eight years of doing this, I would have thought it would get easier. But year after year, I always find it necessary to do a bit of guilt tripping, arm twisting and perhaps even some hard reasoning to get the data that has become the basis for innumerable blog articles, industry reports and trade show presentations (and for all of those, I apologize).
Take two minutes and fill out the pricing survey!
If you haven't read any of our budgeting articles in the past, we basically gather up survey responses from a few hundred people in the industry, interview network owners, operators and suppliers, and then put together a free report detailing what we've found. The historical results are kept on our Digital Signage Cost Estimates and Price Guidelines page. And if you choose to include your email address on the survey form, we'll send you a more detailed version of the survey results for your perusal. The upshot is that for putting in just a few minutes of effort, you'll be given completely free access to the most complete, up-to-date pricing guidelines for our industry that I'm aware of.
It's free? What's in it for you guys?
Karma, hopefully. Or maybe free drinks at the next industry event we show up to.
How do I fill out the survey?
If you're reading this article in a web browser, the survey should appear below. If you don't see it, simply go to to take the survey.
What does the pricing survey cover?
Digital signage systems have become vastly more varied and complex since the point that we started surveying the pricing landscape back in 2004. Whereas a "typical" network back then might have consisted of some screens dropped from a ceiling (for better or worse), today's networks frequently include tiny, shelf-edge screens, enormous rear-projectors and everything in between. Unfortunately, that means that our notion of an "average" cost is becoming less and less meaningful. If a lot of this sounds familiar, it should. We made the same analysis last year and came to the conclusion that while it's great to have annual price comparisons to guide our purchase decisions, it's also important to make sure that the questions we ask reflect new trends in the industry. So we've added a couple of new questions to help us stay abreast of the latest digital signage pricing trends. But don't worry, the survey can still be completed in about two minutes.
When can I expect to see results?
This survey will be open for a week or two, during which time our magic elves will also be gathering additional pricing intel from various industry sources. If all goes well, we'll post an article with summary findings and the usual array of tables and graphs in early March.
Thanks, as always, for your participation!