There are many conflicting views about how colors affect our physiology and psychology. While researchers have proven that colors can alter moods and even raise blood pressure, most viewers aren't going to pay enough attention to the typical content clip running on a digital sign to feel the full effect of this (versus, say, looking at art or even watching a 30-minute TV program). Thus we're forced to look for more subtle ways that colors can influence our behaviors. While I could posit my own theories on this, the folks at Mohawk (yes, the flooring/carpeting manufacturer) have already done the heavy lifting for us. In fact, C.B. Whittemore posted part of Mohawk's guide to color on her Flooring the Consumer blog, along with four other posts about the power of whites, patterns, neutrals and eco-inspired colors. I've paraphrased their more interesting findings here and combined them with some other details that we've compiled over time:
- Causes adrenaline to be released, increasing pulse rate and blood pressure
- Heightens sense of smell; taste buds become sensitive, appetite improves
- When white is added to red, the color evokes feelings of innocence, tenderness and softness
- Relaxes the body, lowers pulse and blood pressure
- Lends a feminine image to the subject matter
- Strongly associated with Breast Cancer Awareness movement in the US
- Typically relaxing, though can occasionally have the opposite effect
- Can be used as either a warm or cool color
- Relaxes the body, lowers pulse and blood pressure
- Can reduce feelings of claustrophobia
- Currently, the most common "favorite color" in the US
- The human eye can perceive the widest array of green colors, so even minor clashes are very apparent
- Associated with springtime and the environment
- At present, it's being re-branded into the banner concept for a socio-political movement, which may create strong positive or negative connotations for different people
- While it has no proven physiological effects, people who see the color yellow claim to become more happy and cheerful
- May focus attention and concentration
- The association of yellow to the sun is near universal and cross-cultural
- Commonly associated with stability and natural/rugged things
- Almost never selected as a favorite color
- Evokes an energetic response from viewers
- Like red, orange stimulates the appetite
- Like yellow, creates feelings of energy and happiness
- Children respond especially well to orange
So what do we recommend then? Despite all of the theory floating around, we've seen no over-arching relationship between color and content performance for glance-type digital signage. There were some unique cases where changing a clip's color may have altered its performance, but at this point I don't feel like there's any predictable or reproducible way to see the effect. In my book, that means the correlation between color and recall performance either doesn't exist, is too small to be noticed, or is too difficult for us to manipulate properly.
With that in mind, I'd say that color can safely be used to meet the brand/style requirements of your venue or advertiser, fit into your venue's "clean store policy" (if they have one), or meet any other marketing or aesthetic goal -- all without impacting performance too severely. Now, there are obviously limits to that: if you put dark pink on a light red background it's going to be hard to see. And that brings us to our next subject: contrast. You see, there were times when we tweaked different color settings and did in fact see a significant change in content performance. After careful analysis, though, we found that it wasn't the emotive effects of the color palette that we were seeing. It was a change in contrast that suddenly made the content more eye-catching and more visible to a greater number of potential viewers. So next week, we're going to take a look at some guidelines for using contrast to pop your message off the screen and into your viewers' minds. In my opinion, contrast is the most important visual design element for digital signage content. Together with skilled copywriting and an enticing call-to-action, it can make a measurable difference in the success of your advertising and informational messaging.
Then again, maybe color is more valuable than I've suggested. So if you have any stories about how changing the colors in a clip improved its performance, leave a comment and let me know!
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